Born in 1978 in Benrburg. He works as a sound engineer at DIY festivals between punk and classical music. At times, he falls prey to his addiction to sound fenerators and tries to find music which nothing more happens. He has not yet succeeded in doing so. Unfortunately, he has not yet finished his double LP with 1.5 hours of unmodulated noise.
friedemann raatz

Jens Ausderwäsche

Jens Ausderwäsche is an experimental pop artist from Chemnitz who sounds like punk. With a voice that impulsively transports what the feelings slumbering in the meaninglessness of everyday routines and rituals are no longer able to say, Jens creates distance from the emotional downhill ski. And her voice is louder than this everyday life!
L'Amicale du Grand Hotel Abgrund

Here now appears the first album of the Leipzig improvisation collective L’amicale de Grand Hotel Abgrund – the friends of this comfortable hotel at the abyss. But is music capable of changing the world? In rare cases, perhaps. But certainly a specific musical practice changes our relationship to the world and to each other. This album is the result of an intense collective collaboration searching for a common sound, the sound of the zeitgeist that manifests itself in the moment. Not without reason, many things here sound like apocalypse and end times. The titles of the pieces are reminiscent of a shipwreck, while the orchestra continues to play, acoustically interpreting and underscoring the scenario.
Polina Khantsenka is and audiovisual artist from Minsk, Belarus. SHe has been presenting her music production under the pseudonym mʊdʌki since 2015. She is currently engaged in topics of spatial sound and deep listening in the time-based media studio at the Faculty of Arts and Design of UJEP. Polina is one of the founding members of the phonon~ crew, which focuses on mediation if sound arts and experimental music in Ústi nad Labem, Czechia

TELEPANICO (Panic Telepathy) is an experimental under‑sound collective from everywhere based in nowhere. It consists of Fluss Pluss, Z.a.n.d.e.r K‑Mutant, Convs and the Ovumat. ‟We are heavily influenced by many musical styles and artistic movements but I believe that, like anyone else, we personally get most of our inspirations in our very own refuge. In this case, I suppose like most of the time it would normally be lying in our own beds, inside the bathtub, or just simply sitting on the toilet.”

Stea Andreasson

Stea Andreasson, born 1974, youngest child of an Icelandic mink farmer and an east german trauma therapist. since the end of the 1980s working as a performance artist, cosmetician, animator, money lender, collageur and category keeper. recordings and releases under the project mowe. collaborative works and actions a. o. among others with elvira zastrow, marc wannabe, rené lamp, jürgen eckloff, bolle lüchers, rotraut z and column one. associated with 90% wasser and nnoi. Stea Andreasson currently lives and works in Chemnitz, Germany.